Simple yes. Let’s face it life is filled with many situations and people that can in a sense become the kill joy’s of our days. These experiences invite us to look away from our good. It takes great courage in the face of any adversity to look for a deeper perspective, to self reflect and to look for the good. Even when a situation seems adverse there is always good unfolding behind the scene. Many times this is not for us to know, it’s God’s job to delivery the answer. It’s our job to ask for the answer, and to cultivate the faith in action to receive the answer. See each situation for it for what it is and be at peace that your good is coming and will be answered. People love to gossip and chatter about what’s going “wrong” in our world. What happened to the notion that many things are going “right”.

It takes courage to swim up stream and invite a different perspective in the world.

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I do my best each day, to look for the good in people and the experiences of my day as it unfolds. I have my challenges just like anyone else. And the real work behind Looking for the Good comes when that person just cut you off on the road, you loose your job, you loose the love of your life, the nasty e-mail, we  could go on and on. This is when the most important work begins and the true joy is fostered. Can we look past the gray areas of life and seek to find what good and what God is unfolding before your eyes. Finding the good, is the seed. The more seeds of positive thought and richer perspective we plant, the more positive our lives become as a whole.   Hold positive expectancy for all situations and people in life. Even when you don’t feel like it. The moment will pass, the situation will change. Everything heals in time. You hold the seed in your hand, it’s up to you to choose to plant it. When you put this simple concept into action, what miracles and joy will unfold is unlimited.

There is goodness in everyone. There is good in everything.

I invite you to find the courage to begin looking for it in your life. In all ways. In all times. Find people and friends in life that support you in this. There is power when two or more gather and agree. Empower yourself to find the joy and goodness that your life holds. For truly, God is good. And life is good. And this I believe is a simple truth.